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SAS au capital de 10 000 euros - RCS Brive 841 381 080 00016
2596 ROUTE D’UZERCHE - D920 – LAFONSALADE - 19270 SADROC - France
T: +33 (0)5 55 84 52 06
Publication diretors: Audrey Mairie and Christophe Drecq
Design and hosting:
3 - 5 rue des Frères Goncourt - 19100 BRIVE – France
SARL au capital de 425.000€ RCS Brive 444 110 936
The web site (the "Web Site") is the institutional web site of the company RELAIS AMDC (hereinafter "the Company"). These terms of use set out the terms under which you may access the Web Site and where applicable the data featuring therein.
All screens, graphics, photographs and, more generally, all information on this Web Site have been specifically protected. The Company owns or benefits from the intellectual property rights in relation thereto. Consequently, any reproduction, modification or exploitation in any way, even partial, is prohibited.
The Company hereby disclaims liability for any misuse or illicit use or exploitation of any or all of the content of the Web Site.
The Company and/or any third parties who took part in creating the Web Site hereby disclaim any liability towards any user of this Web Site or other third party for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of the Web Site, or of any other web site that is linked to the Web Site via hyperlinks, such as loss of earnings, loss of business opportunities, loss of software programs or other data contained in the data management or processing system of the user, or other damage, even if the Company is expressly informed of the fact that such damage is possible. Users who link to any external site via the Web Site do so at their own exclusive risk.
The Company does not guarantee the quality, accuracy, timeliness, order or exhaustiveness of the information or documents featuring on the Web Site and is not under any obligation to update this information or documents.
The content of any information that is transmitted to the Company by users of the Web Site shall be deemed to be non-confidential and free of any rights. The Company shall be entitled to freely use any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques that are transmitted to it for any and all useful purposes without any restriction; in particular, the Company shall be entitled to reproduce and disclose them to any third parties.
The information that is contained in the Web Site is not contractually binding and the Company may alter the contents of the Web Site as well as of these terms of use from time to time without notice. Any modifications that are made shall be binding upon you and we therefore recommend that you access the Web Site regularly in order to ascertain the terms of use that are currently in force.
The Web Site and these terms of use are governed by French law.
Are you dissatisfied with our services and the response to your complaint? If you have not received a reply within 60 days, you can refer the matter for free to the Tourism and Travel Mediator, whose contact details and procedures are available on his website: